What does it mean if data are “embargoed”?

Embargoed data are those that cannot be discussed at public meetings, released to the public, or released to a media outlet until they have been publicly released for required State reporting on New York State Education Department (NYSED or Department) Public Data Site. Data that have been publicly released on the NYSED Public Data Site are not embargoed. Embargoed data may be used for internal district and school operations, including program and instructional planning for students and communication with individual parents about their individual child's academic needs.  Embargoed data is available to entitled users on the Level 2 Reporting (L2RPT) platform.

Embargoed data in L2RPT cannot be saved in any format or publicly released. Publicly released data can be saved, reproduced, and shared at the discretion at the local education agency.

Any data that is not included in a report on the Department’s public data site are embargoed and released as dictated in the corresponding memo informing school and district officials said data are available, embargoed, and planned for public release. For example, the 3-8 ELA and Math data are not required reporting for state reporting on the Department’s public data site. When local education agencies are notified of available preliminary 3-8 assessment data, the memo announcing their availability will indicate data are embargoed until the planned public (media) release. Although data are not public on the Department’s public data site, once the media is notified that schools and districts have said preliminary assessment data, the public sharing of that information is at the discretion of the local school superintendent or chief executive officer.

Please plan thoughtfully when publicly sharing any preliminary data to ensure it is clearly identified as preliminary and is subject to change. Preliminary 3-8 assessment data are modified through the “Summer Cleanup” process and the “Assessment Cleanup” process in Level 0 Historical or L0H), coordinated on your behalf by your Level 1 (L1) Reporting Center. All student enrollment, demographic, assessment, and program data are subject to modification in the Level 0 Historical (L0H) application for prior years’ data.

Final 3-8 assessment data including all NYSTP data, is publicly released in the New York State Report Card on the Department’s public data site each fall.