Child Nutrition access in the NYSSIS Application

The Direct Certification features of the Child Nutrition Management System (CNMS) have been transitioned to NYSED Business Applications Portal found at:  To access the new NYSSIS pages for the Child Nutrition Direct Certification Matching Process (DCMP), users must have a State Education Department Delegated Account System (SEDDAS) username and password.  Information on SEDDAS can be found at the SEDDAS Home page found at

Every LEA across the State has a delegated administrator and it is typically an institution’s CEO.  In public school districts, access to the NYSSIS application, with the new Child Nutrition role, must be designated by the superintendent (Super DA) or the district account manager.  In nonpublic schools and Charter schools, the CEO entitles access to the NYSSIS application with the new Child Nutrition role to the correct staff member located at the same institutional location as the CEO. 

For nonpublic schools that may be unfamiliar with SEDDAS, an email was sent automatically to your school CEO once their DA account was created.  Oftentimes since the email is computer generated it can get caught in the spam folder, so it is important your CEO look there first and set the SEDDAS and the email as a safe email address.  For users that know their user name but forgot their password they can follow the instructions  can be found at

CEO’s and Delegated Account Administrators can find complete instructions on using SEDDAS at

If your CEO does not know their username or needs any other assistance with using SEDDAS, your CEO should contact NYSED at, . 


* Entitling the NYSSIS application role "Child Nutrition User" for SFA locations that DO NOT submit P12 data for the SIRS reporting through the SEDDAS application will allow a user to access the Child Nutrition screens that exist in the NYSSIS application for their location.

* Entitling the NYSSIS application role "NYSSIS & Child Nutrition User" for SFA locations that DO submit P12 data for the SIRS reporting through the SEDDAS application will allow a user to access the Child Nutrition screens and the P12 enrollment screens that exist in the NYSSIS application for their location.

* Access to the Child Nutrition screens in the NYSSIS application has no impact on the normal day to day processing of P12 data in the NYSSIS application for the NYSED data warehouse.