Child Nutrition User roles for CNMS Direct Certification

Here is what is in place for the Child Nutrition role in the NYSSIS application:

  • The NYSED Child Nutrition Program Administration (CNPA) is using the NYSSIS application ( for its direct certification matching process (DCMP)
    • The NYSSIS application is only matching approved School Food Authority (SFA) enrollment to Medicaid and SNAP data for the NYSED CNPA.
    • This process is not a means to obtain a NYSSIS ID which is for the P12 enrollment data collected for SIRS (
  • Level 1 Data centers will not be given access to the child nutrition screens.
  • The child nutrition (CN) screens will not have any impact on the day to day P12 data processing and resolution in NYSSIS. 
  • SFA’s that DO NOT submit data for SIRS should entitle their accounts to use the NYSSIS application with the "Child Nutrition User" role.
  • RA locations can not access Child Nutrition DCMP screens in the NYSSIS application. They will need to work with the SFA location that they submit their food services data through.
  • NYSSIS role types for the Child Nutrition Direct Certification in the NYSSIS application:
    • There is a single role called "Child Nutrition User" granted in the SEDDAS application to access the NYSSIS application for users that need to access the CN screens for DCMP ONLY, because their location does NOT submit data for the SIRS data collection.
    • There is a dual role called "NYSSIS & Child Nutrition User" granted in the SEDDAS application to access the NYSSIS application for users that need to access the NYSSIS P12 enrollment screens from their location's SIRS data collection submissions and the CN screens for DCMP since their location is an SFA.
      • Accounts with the dual role access "NYSSIS & Child Nutrition User" for an institutional location MUST be an approved location for BOTH as a SIRS data collection participant and as a Child Nutrition SFA.
        • Access to the NYSSIS application will be blocked if the a location does not qualify for BOTH the data collections. The account should be updated to have the "Child Nutrition User" role for the NYSSIS application if they are blocked and they should have access to the CN screens for DCMP.
      • This dual role can switch between the data collections by doing the following.
        • Click on the left blue menu option "Role Switch".
        • The user will then see a screen to choose the data collection that they want to work on.
        • Click on "P12" to access the enrollment NYSSIS pages like the hold queue and ID query.
        • Click on "CN" to access the Child Nutrition DCMP pages.
        • The left menu will change to the appropriate options for the selected data collection.
  • The CN screens in the NYSSIS application will only show data for locations that are an approved SFA recognized by the NYSED Office of Child Nutrition with their system CNPA.
  • All inquiries from CN SFA locations about using the CN screens in the NYSSIS application should be sent to the NYSED Office of Child Nutrition for their system CNPA.