Special education classification rates

Classification rates by district can be found by year at:  https://www.p12.nysed.gov/sedcar/state.htm under the School Age Student Reports heading.

Special Education School District Data Profiles may also be viewed at http://data.nysed.gov/lists.php?type=district.

In the PD system, see VRs 1-9.

Information and Reporting Services does not publicly report special education classification rates for the school level. Students with disabilities are not classified at the school building level but are placed in school buildings based on the location of the program that is deemed most appropriate to serve their needs. Therefore, it is not appropriate to derive a school building classification rate by dividing the count of students with a disability in a school by the total enrollment of the school.

Statewide (as well as preschool student by county) reports may be viewed and downloaded through the NYSED website at http://www.p12.nysed.gov/sedcar/state.htm.

Public school K-12 Report Card information, which includes counts of students with disabilities, can be found at http://data.nysed.gov.

You can download school report card databases for years 2005-06 to 2019-20 at http://data.nysed.gov/downloads.php.