PD System FAQ

What is the PD Data System?
The PD Data System is an online tool for the collection, verification and certification of Special Education data. The majority of the data displayed in the PD System is pulled from the Student Information Repository System (SIRS) data warehouse. Additionally, some data is entered directly into the System.  

Where can I find submission due dates?
Visit www.p12.nysed.gov/sedcar/data.htm to download a printer-friendly table of due dates.  You may also subscribe to the Google calendar for up-to-date information.

What does PD, VR, SR and NR stand for?

  • PD is a form that can be entered/updated within the PD Data System and does not come from SIRS.
  • VR represents Verification Reports; any form beginning with a VR is reported through SIRS.
  • SR represents Self Review checklists which are part of the SPP Indicators and the results are entered directly into the PD Data System.
  • NR represents Notification Report forms that are notifications of disproportionality in districts data. The NR Forms are informational only and do not require certification.  

Instructions on VR, PD, and SR Forms:
Instructions for each form can be found here.

Certifying SIRS Verification Reports (VR1-9 and VR11-16):
October Child Count Reports:
The VR1-6 and VR8 are certified as one and are the only set of reports like this. VR1-9 are the same dataset of students just displayed/shown/grouped by differently for each report.  When certifying any of the VR1-6 or VR8 it will certify ALL of the reports and lock them from refreshing.
End of Year Reports:
The VR11-16 are certified individually and not as a group.

At any point during the verification period you can request a clear out of a certification. Please submit a ticket clicking on the blue Help button in the bottom right of this page and enter "PD system" in the Subject and in the How can we help you. Also state in the How can we help you which form you would like to have the certification deleted from.

Which data are entered in the PD Data System?
PD 6 and PD 8 data, as well as results from self-review checklists, are entered in the PD Data System.  All VR forms are entered in the Student Information Repository System (SIRS).  Districts work with their Regional Information Centers to submit VR data.

Our district has a new CIO or Special Education Director, or the contact listed in SEDREF is incorrect.  How do I change this information?
Please submit a ticket clicking on the blue Help button in the bottom right of this page and enter "SEDREF Update" in the Subject and in the How can we help you for automated routing to the SEDREF support group.

I don’t remember my username and password for the PD Data System.  How do I get it?
Send an email request to seddas@nysed.gov with the BEDS code of your district or school, the user name you are calling about, your name and a contact phone number. 

My username and/or password are not working.
You can reset your password through the Portal using the password reset tool.  For step by step instructions please visit the SEDDAS home page and click on the document called "SEDDAS Password Reset". For public school district and BOCES users, please be sure to use your district level credentials as PD System Entitlement only exists at the district level. If this does not work you should email SEDDAS at seddas@nysed.gov.  Please provide the BEDS code of your district or school, the user name you are calling about, your name and a contact phone number.

I am new to my district or school and am the designated PD Data System contact person.  How do I obtain a username and password?
You will need to contact your superintendent or charter school leader and they can create a SEDDAS account for you.  Once your account has been created they can grant you entitlements to the PD Data System by following these steps.  If your CEO (superintendent or charter school leader) has any questions or technical difficulties creating or entitling your account,  have them send an email request to seddas@nysed.gov with the BEDS code of your district or school, the user name they need assistance with and a contact phone number.

I received an email notice stating that the State Education Department has not yet received my district’s PD 6 or PD 8 data.
Completion of PD data is a two-step process.  PD system data must be both submitted and certified.  This is a two-step process.  Once data is submitted, proceed to the certification step.  On the navigation bar, select "PD Forms" then select "Submit PD6 (or PD8)".  Next, click on the button that says "view and certify your data.”  A certification button will appear at the bottom of each report (NOTE: Only the PD contact person will be able to see the certification button).  Once this option is selected, your PD data certification is complete.