The NYSSIS application does NOT generate reports or allows extracts of IDs for individual schools, districts or any other LEA, including State Agencies. (This also applies to “third-party” programs who may be contracting with schools or LEAs, or partnering with NYSED, or program areas within NYSED.)
- Any LEA may procure a list of current NYSSIS IDs (mapped to its reporting BEDS code and students’ local IDs) from the Level 1 host provider with whom they have contracted to manage their student data. (This applies ONLY if the LEA submits student data through a Level 1 data center to the NYSED Level 2 data warehouse for statewide reporting.)
- If any Federal, State or approved-contract “third-party” program, whether a NYSED program (CBT, HSE/TASC, etc.), or joint NYSED/[Other State Agency] program (Child Nutrition/FRPL, etc.) wishes to use NYSSIS IDs for any purpose, it must be approved through NYSED and the Data Systems and Educational Technology (DSET) business office that manages the NYSSIS application. Any lists of NYSSIS IDs must still come with the approval of AND PROCURED BY the schools/LEAs with whom these programs are participating, following protocols in the bullet above.
- The LEA is responsible for determining the legitimacy (business need, adherence to requirements, etc.) of any request to provide NYSSIS IDs to a third party, and ensuring that all data-sharing agreements and safeguards required by law are in place (including protections such as secure transmission and storage of PII [personally identifiable information], requirements for training and sign-off of staff handling data, data breach response protocols, etc.)
Looking up individual NYSSIS IDs:
- Public schools NOT in NYC should contact their District office. The District Office should have one or more staff members with a NYSED Application Business Portal account allowing them access to the NYSSIS web application.
- Public schools in NYC should contact their NYC geographic or NYC assessment office.
- Nonpublic, Charter and other schools (such as State Agency-operated) should contact their CEO’s Office. Each administrative location should have one or more staff members with a NYSED Application Business Portal account allowing them access to the NYSSIS web application.
- BOCES schools should contact their main BOCES location CEO.
IMPORTANT: Schools and districts/LEAs are responsible for the access to and the sharing of student data used in programs or reports. The NYSSIS ID can change whenever there is a need for a correction in data or the linkage of the data with the NYSSIS ID. Best practice is to always query for current NYSSIS ID.
Level 1 data centers’ contact information is located on the NYSED IRS Office’s Level 1 RIC/Big5 Contacts for LEAs page. Look for the “Level 1 Scanning/Answer Sheets and NYSED Systems Support” list.