The only way an account will be added as a point of contact for their location’s NYSSIS notifications, is when the account is entitled user access to NYSSIS.
CEOs of a location must be entitled user access to any application before any of their staff can get user access.
CEOs that do not use NYSSIS and do not want NYSSIS notifications should:
- Login at the NYSED Application Business Portal and click on the link for New York State Student Identification System (NYSSIS).
- Click on the Help link in the footer of the NYSSIS application webpages to submit their request shown in the image below.
- Provide location information, preferably the BEDS code.
- List of full names to remove from NYSSIS notifications for their location.
For other staff members that do not use NYSSIS and do not want NYSSIS notifications, they should have their user access to NYSSIS removed through the SEDDAS application in the NYSED Application Business Portal ( by their institution's CEO.