The CEO name and contact information of an institutional location must be up to date in the SEDREF system before the current CEO can get an account or manage other accounts at the same institutional location. You can verify what NYSED has on file about your institution and your institution's CEO here SEDREF - Core Information on SED Institutions .
If you need to submit an update for your institution:
- Please click on the blue help button located in the bottom right of your screen. Enter your full name, email address and the information that you are requesting to be updated. Please include the term "sedref update" and your institution's BEDS code in the section of the How can we help you?* for faster ticket assignment to the correct content area.
- Attach a document with district/school letter head with the SEDREF updates needed for your institutional locations. Include the BEDS code of the location, the name of the new CEO, the email of the new CEO and phone number of the new CEO. All accounts will be recreated automatically within 1 to 2 business days after the changes have been made in SEDREF. An email will be sent from with the account information to the email address on the account.
The account owner needs access to an application within the NYSED Application Business Portal located at Account access should only be given by the CEO (superintendent/principal) of an institution or anyone else delegated as an account administrator for the institution by the CEO.
The account owner has to ask their CEO or account administrator to log into the NYSED Application Business Portal and to use the State Education Department Account System (SEDDAS) to entitle account access to the requested application.
By default, all CEO accounts are shown a button for the SEDDAS User Guide when they log into the NYSED Application Business Portal to view while using SEDDAS.
For a list of applications accessed through SEDDAS entitlement and the owning NYSED program office to contact for access, please visit
Contact the SEDDAS help desk for account access issues for web applications NOT listed in our Help Center article NYSED Office of Information and Reporting Services Web Applications by sending an email to Please include your location's 12 digit BEDS code, the account username and the application/system that the account needs access to.