CEO change for schools and districts

At a minimum, at the end of every school year (and during, if there are key personnel changes), schools and districts should review all administrative positions for their institutional location(s) that NYSED has on file in its publicly available online institutional reference system SEDREF - Core Information and SED Institutions.

Using the SEDREF online query tool, anyone can search for an institution by its Institution ID or by its BEDS Code (SED Code), or by typing part of the location's name using a percent sign (%) as a wildcard character replacement (before and/or after, for example: "%Albany%" would bring up any institution with Albany anywhere in its name, whether there are other words before or after "Albany" in that institution's name).

Access to NYSED systems is automatically created and entitled "by default" to select Administrative Accounts (all CEOs; select other roles), but what constitutes "default" systems and permissions vary based on an organization's designated Institution Type/Subtype. CEO permissions are confirmed through email to the CEO Administrative Account on file in SEDREF based on institution type/subtype, administrative role and contact information for that institution.

You can officially submit CEO changes as follows:

  1. Click on the blue Help button at the bottom right of your screen. Fill in these two fields: Your name (full name, please), and Email address. Please type the phrase "SEDREF update" in either the Subject and/or How can we help you? section (or both).
  2. Scroll down in the Help button request form to attach an official request document. This must be on district/school letterhead. Include all SEDREF updates needed for your location. Include the BEDS code of the location, the new CEO's name, business email and business phone number. (You may include changes to administrative roles other than the CEO, but be sure to clearly delineate each role and contact information. Other accounts may be handled by other NYSED offices and can take longer to process.)
  3. SEDREF updates are processed nightly. After CEO information is processed in SEDREF, changes will appear the following business day. An email will be sent (from to the email address on the updated CEO account, confirming any new account information.

For a list of applications accessed through SEDDAS entitlement (and the owning NYSED program office to contact for access), please visit the SEDDAS main resources page.

For account access issues about web applications NOT listed in our Help Center article NYSED Office of Information and Reporting Services Web Applications , send an email to the SEDDAS help desk with your institution's BEDS code, your SEDDAS account username and the NYSED application/system you need to access.