All Level 1 data centers have an existing system account for NYSSIS. Submit request for access through you Level 1 location's Project Manager if the primary contact for the account has changed or a staff member with proxy access to the system account has changed.
After the request has been received and approved by the NYSED NYSSIS support, the owner of the new account needs to click on the link below to be brought to the Datasupport article for the steps to follow in order to create your account.
* System accounts should be used only for system automation (scripted routines). If a Primary Contact for the system account needs to work manually with SFTP files, s/he should ask her/his Level 1 Project Manager to request a personal account with proxy access to the system account. The request should be sent by the Project Manager with the contact’s name and email address by clicking on the blue Help button in the bottom right of this page and enter "NYSSIS SFTP access" in the Subject and in the How can we help you for automated routing to the NYSSIS system support group.