Best Practice for nonpublic schools who do not have Unique Student Local Identification numbers (Local_ID).

A local ID is a 9-digit (numerical never Alpha) unique identification number used at the local school level. To maintain the 9-digit format, while creating a unique student ID for those currently enrolled in the 2023-24SY and moving forward, the nonpublic school should use the following guidelines:




The first 4 digits should be the last 4 digits of the institutions BEDS Code. Digits 5 and 6 should be the last two digits of the annual school year in which a student is first enrolled. Digits 7, 8, and 9 should be the chronological number of students enrolled.


For example, if the nonpublic school does not have a unique student local IDs for students and the nonpublic school’s location BEDS Code ends in 3498, and the creation of the unique student local IDs is for the 2023-24 school year (SY), and if your current enrollment is less than or equal to 999 students enrolled at the nonpublic school location where the student receives instruction, all students would have the 5th and 6th digit as 24.


Following this example, the nonpublic school location would have Unique Student Local IDs beginning with 349824001 and ending with 340924999, or as many students as they have enrolled.


If they have more than 999 students currently enrolled, adjust the digits 5 and 5 (the 2-year numerical representation) to align with the entry year for that grade level of students. For example, if I have 200 students in grades K – 12, you currently have 2,400 students enrolled at your nonpublic school location. In that instance the 200 kindergarten students would be 349824000 – 349824200, the 200 first grade students would be 349823000-349823200, the 200 second grade students would be 349822000 – 349822200, and so on.


Otherwise, as of the opening of next school year the 5th and 6th digit will be updated to 25 for the 2024-25SY) and so on. Moving forward, when the next student enrolls at the nonpublic school of enrollment the first local ID would be 349824000 and the second would be 349824001, and so on regardless of the grade level because the 24 indicates the year the student first enrolled in their school. Then if the student exits and returns at a later time, the record and ID would still be intact for that student while enrolled in your school location.


As the school years progress, the unique local IDs already assigned stay with the student and only that student. The same unique ID is never assigned to another new student enrollment because the 2024SY has passed, thus always producing a new unique ID. This best practice will create all unique and never repeating local IDs because digits 5 and 6 will always progress with the school year.