How to use SEDDAS to create an account and entitle account access

URL for SEDDAS user guide:


Submitting a SEDREF update for a change in CEO is the only thing needed to trigger an automated overnight process to:

  1. Create a new CEO account.
  2. Copy all application access and account management of the previous CEO to the new CEO account.
  3. Disable the old CEO account.

For new schools, the CEO will still get an account and will be given user access to a default list of applications and account management for the new CEO's BEDS code. 

A SEDREF update should be on district/school letterhead sent as an attachment with a request listing the BEDS code for the location of the CEO, the CEO's full name, CEO's email address, and the CEO's phone and fax number by clicking on the blue Help button in the bottom right of this page and enter "SEDREF Update" in the Subject and in the How can we help you for automated routing to the SEDREF support group.

If you did create a CEO account manually, the account may not be entitled with access for the applications needed and/or the account management of the same applications. To correct any account issues submit a SEDREF update.

CEO accounts need the following by default:

  • A CEO needs user access for an application (e.g. data entry, data verification)
  • A CEO needs account management for an application (e.g. create and entitle accounts for staff)


The CEO is responsible for all access to data and/or reports for their BEDS code location.

The CEO must log in at the NYSED Business Portal located at: to use the SED Delegated Account System (SEDDAS)


  1. First check if an account already exists by clicking on the Search User button located in the left menu of the SED Delegated Account System (SEDDAS). You can search by the staff member's last name (you can filter the search results by selecting 'enabled accounts').
    1. Click the radio button next to the user's first name and scroll to the bottom of the page to click on the View Selected button to see account details.
    2. If the account does exist and you want to give a user access to a particular application, click on the Entitle Applications button (see SEDDAS User guide page 27).
    3. If the account does exist and you want to delegate account management for a particular application, click on the Entitle Administrator button (see SEDDAS User guide pages 25-26).


  1. Click on Create User button located in the left menu of the SED Delegated Account System (SEDDAS).
    1. Fill in all required fields marked with an *asterisk
    2. For the last field, use the magnifying glass to search for the BEDS code location you want the account linked to.
      1. A search screen will appear where you can enter the location name or BEDS code.
      2. Click the radio button to select the BEDS location to link the account to.
    3. Click the Next button on the Create User: Enter Information screen
    4. Enter in all contact information: Email, Phone number
    5. For Position title -- some of the position titles may have a security check that will verify the name on file for the same BEDS code for the same position title. 
    6. If it does not match, the account will be rejected and you may need to submit a SEDREF update. To bypass title verification select OTHER as a title.


After verifying or creating an account, you will need to view the account details in order to entitle access to applications. You may need to follow the search steps outlined above.

  1. Click on the Entitle Applications button.
  2. Select the needed application(s) check box under the first section 'Select applications for entitlement'
  3. Click the Next button at the bottom of the page
  4. You will have to select Role access for each application.
  5. Click on the Next button at the bottom of the page
  6. Click on the Grant/Update Access to confirm your changes to the account
  7. Email notifications will be sent to the person entitling the account and to the account owner


After verifying or creating an account, you will need to view the account details in order to entitle account management for applications. You may need to follow the search steps outlined above.

  1. Click on the Entitle Administrator button.
  2. Select the management role needed.
    1. Delegated Administrator (DA) -- means the ability to create accounts in general for a BEDS code location
    2. Delegated/Entitlement Administrator (DAEA) -- means the ability to create accounts in general for a BEDS code location and entitle access to any of the specific applications you will see listed.
    3. Entitlement Administrator (EA) -- means the ability to entitle access to any of the specific applications you will see listed to existing accounts for the BEDS code location on the account.
  3. Select the applications you want to delegate account management for.
  4. Click on the Add/Change Entitlement(s) button
  5. On the next review screen click on Grant/Update Access to confirm your account changes.
  6. Email notifications will be sent to the person entitling the account and to the account owner.

For any applications NOT under the purview of the NYSED Office of Information Reporting Services, you should go to the SEDDAS homepage to find the owning program office to contact for support at: .