Reasons for an account to be locked
- Three failed attempts to login.
- Account access will remain the same.
- Resetting the account password by clicking on the "Change Your Password" in the banner on the top of the webpage . The password reset process is described in detail at .
- Locked due to a user not updating their account password after being notified to update their password.
- Account access to applications will remain the same.
- Resetting the account password by clicking on the "Change Your Password" in the banner on the top of the webpage . The password reset process is described in detail at .
- Security issue reported about the user, the user's email or the user's BEDS code location.
- Account access to applications will remain the same.
- Access will be restored after NYSED approval. Contact to check on the status of your account, they will forward you email to the correct contact.
Reasons for an account to be disabled
- Inactivity over a period of time like a school year.
- Account access to applications will need entitled again by the CEO of the school or district.
- Staff changes
- CEO accounts are managed automatically based on SEDREF updates submitted for a CEO change for a BEDS code.
- Notification received stating that an employee is no longer employed by same location that the account was created for.