Account Access to NYSSIS

The CEO name and contact information of an institutional location must be up to date in the SEDREF system before the current CEO can get an account or manage other accounts at the same institutional location. You can verify what NYSED has on file about your institution and your institution's CEO here SEDREF - Core Information on SED Institutions .

Please click on the link below if you need to submit an update for your CEO of your institutional location.

Submitting CEO update or change guidelines



  1. What do I need to get access?
    You need an account created and entitled to the NYSSIS application [through the SEDDAS application located in the NYSED application business portal (  In a nonpublic or charter school, the principal must entitle access; in a public school, contact the district superintendent; for BOCES, the BOCES superintendent at the main location entitles access; and for BOCES RIC, contact your director.

  2. How do I get an account/ID?
      1. For nonpublic or charter school staff, contact your school principal/director to get an account created and entitled the needed role access for the NYSSIS application through the SEDDAS application located in the NYSED application business portal (

      2. For public schools staff NOT in NYC, only a district office account can access the NYSSIS application and the district office CEO/account manager should be contacted. This may require having another account created with the district as the account location and entitled the needed role access for the NYSSIS application through the SEDDAS application located in the NYSED application business portal (

      3. For public schools in NYC, only a district/administrative office account can access the NYSSIS application which could be a NYC geographic or assessment office for the public school and the geographic/assessment office CEO/account manager should be contacted. This may require having another account created with the district/administrative office as the account location and entitled the needed role access for the NYSSIS application through the SEDDAS application located in the NYSED application business portal (

      4. For BOCES schools, only the main BOCES location can access the NYSSIS application and the main BOCES director should be contacted. This may require having another account created with the main BOCES office as the account location and entitled the needed role access for the NYSSIS application through the SEDDAS application located in the NYSED application business portal (

      5. For a BOCES RIC (Level 1 data center), contact your director to get an account created and entitled the needed role access for the NYSSIS application through the SEDDAS application located in the NYSED application business portal (
  3. How do I remove access?
    Contact your principal for a nonpublic school, director a charter school, your district superintendent for non-NYC public schools, geographic/assessment office for NYC public school, the BOCES superintendent at the BOCES main location, or director for BOCES RIC location to get entitlement to the NYSSIS application removed through the SEDDAS application located in the NYSED application business portal (

  4. How do I disable an account?
    Contact your principal for a nonpublic school, director a charter school, your district superintendent for non-NYC public schools, geographic/assessment office for NYC public school, the BOCES superintendent at the BOCES main location, or director for BOCES RIC location to get an account disabled through the SEDDAS application located in the NYSED application business portal (

  5. When there has been a personnel change (i.e. superintendent or principal), how long does it take for that individual to gain account access?
    A nightly automated process runs to create accounts and entitle/un-entitle accounts to the NYSSIS web application for the CEO position of a public district, BOCES district, charter school, non-public school and BOCES RIC based on the existing data submitted to SEDREF from your institutional school building location or district building location. This process handles a staff change in the CEO position of an institutional location. All account entitlements of the previous CEO will be transferred to the new CEO of the same institutional location.