We do NOT own, support or post forms in the SED Monitoring & Vendor System.
The Datasupport helpdesk system belongs to the NYSED Office of Information & Reporting Services. All applications under the purview of the NYSED Office of Information & Reporting Services are listed at https://datasupport.nysed.gov/hc/en-us/articles/218069963-NYSED-Office-of-Information-and-Reporting-Services-Web-Applications .
Below are our user notes from when we used to post forms on SED Monitoring and Vendor Performance System. They explain how to give an account access to one or more forms in the SED Monitoring and Vendor Performance System for the BEDS code's CEO and/or account administrator delegated by the same BEDS code CEO.
All accounts that need access to forms/surveys in the SED Monitoring and Vendor Performance System must be entitled to the SED Monitoring and Vendor Performance System in the SED Delegated Account System(SEDDAS) by:
- Searching for the account in SEDDAS.
- View the account details.
- Click on the Entitle Applications button.
- Check the SED Monitoring and Vendor Performance System.
- Select the role needed for the account.
- Check the needed program folder name or Office folder name in both the Data Entry and Data View sections right under where the role is selected.
If you do not know what the folder name is for the form/survey, go into the SED Monitoring and Vendor Performance System and click on the Contact Us link at the bottom of the page to see a list of the available forms/surveys and the name of the folder they are located in.
- Save the updates to the account clicking on the Next button below.
- Click on the Grant/Update Access button on the review screen.
- The user will be able to get to the form/survey the next time they login. If the user is logged in while the update is being applied, they will need to logout and then login again at https://portal.nysed.gov/ .